The Solution

We’ve solved hydrogen
Our Rising Pressure Reformer (RiPR) technology is a game-changer, producing cost-effective, carbon-negative-ready hydrogen from a range of feedstocks.
We believe that we have solved many of the biggest challenges facing large-scale biogenic hydrogen production currently.
Introducing RiPR
Hydrogen and carbon atoms are the building blocks of all biogenic materials. Our patented RiPR technology liberates this hydrogen, providing high-quality syngas that is ready for downstream processing.
With additional steps to separate carbon dioxide, the process can be made carbon-negative to create Clear Hydrogen, as well as biomethane. This is a fuel that takes us beyond green hydrogen by actively decarbonising the atmosphere.

A radical disruptor
With four successful prototypes already having been built, our RiPR technology is more than a concept and has proven efficiency and scalability. This scalability and the flexibility to process a wide range of feedstocks are critical because they allow us to produce Clear Hydrogen at a much lower cost than the alternatives.
One tonne of feedstock put into our RiPR technology will generate more than twice the amount of energy compared to other biogenic technologies.

Wild Hydrogen is different
Our solution is very different and its advantages go far beyond cost and scalability. With the flexibility to accept most wet biogenic materials with minimal preparation and no requirement for strategic or hazardous materials, excess green electricity or large amounts of water, our RiPR technology eliminates many of the challenges facing other methods.